John Davies

Milan, Italy 1998

Milan b12b,1998 Milan a12, 1998 Milan b10, 1998 Click to enlarge: Milan b4a, 1998
Milan b25-10, 1998 Milan b34, 1998 Milan a15-3, 1998 Milan b25-5, 1998




profili biografici
From the exhibition "Milan senza confini" at Spazio Oberdan, Milan shown during April 2000
and was commissioned by Provincia di Milano, Italy in 1998.
Extract from the exhibition catalouge:
The work from Milan is very much an exploration of the changes taking place in this industrial city.
These images are about property / real estate and the recent building developments created through
the rapid growth of service industries. These are often new office buildings which have been built on
cleared land, mostly on sites which were once central to Milan's manufacturing industry.
Next to these images of buildings are a series of detailed images of the ground, of footpaths and
roads - the public places walked on every day . With these apparently insignificant sections of
common ground I want to suggest the value of our shared spaces and to signify a sense
of collective property, ownership and belonging.
These sets of images appear to be separate in illustrating the domains of both public and private
property. They are both very much the products of our collective human landscape and are
symptomatic of the values and condition in which we live.
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Images may not be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of John Davies
Photo and material Copyright © John Davies 1976 - 2004  All rights reserved